Lex England-Duff

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November: 5 Songs I Wish I'd Written

One thing about me: I am an avid music-listener. I listen to music almost constantly, stopping only really to listen to podcasts or talk to my nearest and dearest. I am in a constant stream of music-sharing conversation with my sister over every form of social media. Most recently, I sent her the newest clip of Harry Styles performing ‘Watermelon Sugar’ on SNL and was compelled to text her saying “I have no F*$#ing clue what this song is about but I love it”. She replied within seconds, naturally already having heard it, with “Oh dude, me too”. When we’ve gotten to ‘dude’ stage, we know we are onto a mutual-winner. Anyway, I digress.

The point is, there are songs I am always newly uncovering, old favourites that I play on repeat, songs that remind me of my childhood, songs that remind me of falling in love, songs that I must dance to at least once a week etc. I am constantly pausing a song pre-crescendo to inform Evan that he quite simply must “focus on the lyric here”.

And then there are those songs that sit in that next level category of importance. The songs I wish I had written myself with lyrical genius so obvious that I can’t find any other thought than “I know exactly how that feels”. I’ll wager you’ve had that feeling too. Poetry and prose to percussion. A lyric that somehow captures an experience you know to your core. A chord progression that gives you goose bumps. Or a tune that, without fail, makes you groove. Even if you’re waiting at the lights walking down Oxford Street to work at 8:30am (if you spot me, give me a wave)! It’s actually one of my favourite things; catching someone in their own jam with their headphones in. It always makes me smile.

So, here are some of those for me. Some you’ll certainly know. Others, maybe not. If you haven’t listened to some of these, I implore you to. They are masterful creations and worth a Friday night boogie! They are all wildly different so you’ll find your flavour.

Without further ado, I present to you, my 5 songs for November that I wish I had written myself out of pure artistic jealousy:

1.       Case of You – Joni Mitchell

By no means am I the first woman in her 20’s to fall in love with the words of this artists but I think younger generations to come must be reminded to look to the work of the past. The album ‘Blue’ as a whole was certainly a game changer, with her incredible voice and unique timing, but this song takes the cake for me. She sings of longing and loving, of indulgence and of preparing for an inevitable heartbreak without turning away.

The simplicity of the guitar behind her makes it sound almost like she’s just speaking to you like a friend telling a tale of her lover. And simultaneously, it always makes me think of my mum who introduced me to Joni Mitchell.

And the line I always wish I had written… “I remember that time you told me, you said love is touching souls, surely yours touched mine ‘cos part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time…oh you’re in my blood like holy wine,  you taste so bitter and so sweet, oh, I could drink a case of you and still I’d be on my feet”.

It reminds me of campfires, guitars, red wine and good taste.


Joni Mitchell

2.       May I Have This Dance – Francis & the Lights

This song. Where to start. It always makes me dance. I think one of the funny things about starting a relationship is having to expose your ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ to someone and hope they agree…or at the very least, can see your reasoning. This is a big one when it comes to music.

I remember showing Evan this song for the first time – it’s a little different. Francis & the Lights are a little fringe. I remember so wanting him to ‘get it’ – to ‘get’ why I liked it so much. Perhaps because I couldn’t quite put my finger on it myself. It reminds me of the work of Paul Simon and Sting and Genesis – weirdly reminiscent of growing up in the 90s. The beat hits you instantly and it builds beautifully. I’m listening to it now as I write this and I can’t help but move in my chair. There is so much I love about it.

The good news – Evan loves it too. This is a song we pump in the car. It’s bloody magic to share a song that you both adore grooving to. It’s a sure-fire one for any wedding playlist we would ever make.

And my favourite line? “We are bound to inherit the sins of our parents and all of the people we passed through, now we’re down to the last two”…pause….song break…perfect re-entry “MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE?”

Listen to it.

You’ll get it.


Francis & The Lights

3.       Hallelujah – Haim

This song, released just this week, is really a chosen one of all of the Haim songs I adore. In saying that, there is something different about this new release. The guitar is simple, almost folky. As usual, their harmony is faultless. The song? About family. About siblings. About gratitude. It feels like another campfire tune – nostalgic, loving, joyful. I can’t listen to it enough. There is something about when these sisters sing together that sounds almost….angelic? Church-like? I don’t know the right word. There is also (for a bit of cross over) a moment in the song where the progression sounds distinctly Joni Mitchell-esque (see 1:45 minutes into the song).

As someone with a sister who I sing with, I immediately want to jam with her to this each time I click play. More than that, when they sing “Now and then I can lean my back to yours, travelling like our feet don’t touch the floor, why me? How’d I get this Hallelujah?” I feel my sisterhood. I understand that line to my core. I can see this one being worn to its bones on my playlist – it has the capacity to be an uplifter or a tear-jerker but will always be one to sing-along to.



From the Hallelujah film clip

4.       Ophelia – The Lumineers

This one is a little different. Maybe it’s a situational choice. A memory choice. Nevertheless, its on the list. It’s a real groover. I mean, the piano, the stomping, the tambourine – all excellent. The raspy emotional voice – the perfect amount of finesse and feeling. But for context as to why I love it so much?

The setting is the Florence circa beginning of 2017. It’s about 1:30 in the morning after a night of Aperols and dancing. I’ve just realised how deep I’m in over my head with my feelings for Evan and (*typical*) panic about it. He finds me in the line at the bar and I lean in to his ear and telling him I’m going to call it a night. He, having no clue why all of a sudden, I’m finished with a night out, says he’ll walk me home. I protest that it doesn’t need to be the end of his night. He insists. Annoyingly, he knows something is up. We step out onto the quiet early morning streets of Florence and as we pass the Duomo, he sidesteps me into a narrow street and he asks me what’s going on. I tell him that I don’t know if I can plunge into this because…well because my feelings seem…I stammer about. But he knows what I’m saying. At that point, he utters the words I could never have expected but somehow were exactly the balm to my sore heart. Under the shadow of the Duomo (I kid you not) he told me he was falling in love with me. I’ll tell you, a kiss in that environment under those circumstances is one you don’t forget. My cheeks must have been luminescent. The second he said those words, I knew it was how I felt too. He took my hand, put his phone in his top pocket and out of it’s speakers, he blasted this song. Within minutes, we were literally dancing in the streets. More accurately, he was dancing. It was like a scene from a movie. One of my favourite moments of my life. I’ve adored this song ever since.

And my favourite line?

“Honey, I love you. That’s all she wrote. Oh, Ophelia you’ve been on my mind girl like a drug. Oh, Ophelia, heaven help a fool who falls in love”

Am I right?


The dance moves in question…

5.       I Know a Place - Muna

Last but certainly not least… Muna. A band that will forever be a favourite of mine. I would heavily suggest listening to their albums over and over again. Strangely, these guys are a real grow-on-you kind of band. Their lyrics are genius. Their songs are diverse. Their expression of the human experience is spot on. Their second album ‘Saves the World’ is full of bangers. But this song is from their debut album ‘About U’. I can’t really do it justice to explain it but I’ll do my best. It’s a dance song with small hints of 80s techno but with a subtle sound. The beat makes you want to click your fingers. But it’s the words they sing here that have grasped me since the first time I heard this song.

I was in a pretty dark place personally – or rather, maybe its better to say that I felt like my spark had gone out. I had once been described as vibrant and I felt anything but. All I knew was that I wanted to feel that way again. And then I heard this song and someone very important to me at that time told me it made them think of me. A dance song made them think of me? That sounds….vibrant. I think this song will always remind me of coming back to myself. Every line of this song speaks to that period of my life. Of a past I was trying to heal from and a future I was looking toward. A future I stepped into when I stepped on a plane to London.

I know this song means a lot of different things to a lot of people but to me, it represents resilience and honesty. And so, I have it tattooed on my arm.

The Line?

“If you want to go out dancing, I know a place”

If you only listen to the lyrics of one song this week, this one’s the pick.


‘If you want to go out dancing’ tattoo - Jay Craig Tattoos

Now, go forth and Spotify!

And if you’re looking for some absolute stellar new releases, may I recommend ‘Watermelon Sugar’ by Harry Styles (he’s a total babe) and ‘Love You For a Long Time’ by Maggie Rogers, both released this week.



I hope your weekend is full of music and ass-shaking, solo or en mass.
