Lex England-Duff

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This morning I wake up dreaming of mountains...

This morning, I wake up dreaming of mountains.

I stir, sleepy-eyed and wanting coffee. I sit up on my elbows.

“I want to be hiking, mi amore!” I exclaim to my groggy love, his eyes still closed.

“Oh boy,” he teases, grabbing a pillow to cover his head.

“She’s not even out of bed yet, folks” he proclaims to our invisible audience.

Legs and limbs sprawled amongst the white linen sheets. The quiet whirring of the fan in the background.

I fall back into arms now outstretched onto my side of the bed.

They curl around me.

“Coffee and then the Swiss Alps it is then, huh?” he asks.

“Coffee and then…” a yawn escapes, “very soon” I reply.

and I can see them…it…us… the view

and that’s how I know we’re on our way..