Don’t Shush Me

How funny my two Degrees make you bemused

the position of women now,

its all over the news

I’m sorry my credentials make you feel ‘funny’

and that you don’t like me because you know you can’t fuck me

I’m sorry when I speak you don’t know what to say

that my differing views might get in your way

I’m sorry your finger so heavily lifted

to shush me,

showed how little you’ve shifted

But really, the problem for you is quite real

see, I’m not sorry at all for the way that you feel

I’m a woman, not someone who can’t think for themselves

in fact, that is something that I do quite well

and when in the workplace, even if its outdoors

please don’t speak to me as though I do your chores

The world is a-changing and you’ll be left behind

I’m could be more capable than you, you might find

If you opened your eyes and got over yourself

You might realise that my knowledge could be of some help

Now, in times gone by perhaps your ‘shush’ would have worked

for a while at least while I evaluated my worth

but now all it does is show where true colours lie

I expect you thought as a woman i’d cry

Instead i’ll speak up, to the powers that be

and your poor attitude might see you job-free!

And perhaps you might think for some seconds a few

that you could listen every now and then too.